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Welcome to Design of Structure and Flow in the Earth Lab.!
What kind of society should we build in the future?
New technologies and services are changing our lives in various ways.
In a few decades, we may take for granted a society that we never imagined.
But what about the foundation of the society?
Especially in Japan,
can we continue to rely on other countries for energy etc., the foundations of our society, as we do now?
I believe that in order for Japan to stand on in the decades and centuries to come
it is important to utilize the resources that Japan has.
Geothermal energy is a resource that Japan can be proud of.
I want to make more use of this resource!
Geothermal energy is very difficult to develop because it involves complex natural structures
and cannot be controlled by humans.
In addition to power generation, people involved in other fields, such as the Japanese culture of onsen (hot springs),
have different directions to go.
To find a use that everyone likes,
complex social structures and flows must be considered.
In our lab, we focus on such complex natural world and social systems.
using mathematics and information science
and aims at estimation, prediction, and design.
We operates in cooperation with the Ito Laboratory (Energy and Environment course).
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